“God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

How is your current disposition this morning? Did you enter your workplace with your head hanging low? Declaring that this day was going to be “long”? Or did you walk in with your head lifted, confident that you will conquer today and the activities that lie ahead?

Watch how you speak. What were your first set of words this morning? I promise you those first set of words and attitude orchestrated how your day would go. Be intentional. Be wise. Be thankful. It will bring you a HARVEST of great fruit. Now go in peace family.


~La’Tivia Elizabeth, G.I.R.L.Y. With No Apologies

Access to The King


Good morning Family!

Quick question…

Have we really absorbed the fact that we have ACCESS to THE KING of the nations, world, or universe? I mean really. We break our necks and bank accounts to meet the President of the USA, Beyoncé, or the most relevant person of today’s culture; yet, the KING of Kings, the Great I AM, the Son of God dwells with us and in us- Wow.

All it takes, to invite the Holy Spirit and presence of God, is to call unto Him with a repentant and sincere heart. God is a gentleman, He pursues but does not push His way.  He calls, but does not make you answer- this is where free will and the state of your heart comes into play.

It’s time to relish in God’s holy presence. It’s time to become intimate with Him like never before. It’s time to reverence, adore, and enjoy the spirit of the LIVING God, in the name of Jesus Christ. He’s knocking…will we allow Him in? Now go in peace.


‪La’Tivia Elizabeth, #‎GIRLYWithNoApologies‬

Love Letter: 1


Thank you Lord for placing your SUPER on top of my natural.

Thank you Lord for sharpening me to be the EXPERT in the area(s) for which you designed.

Thank you Lord for holding my hand as I walk out, stumble, and get back in line with your will and purpose for my life.

Thank you Lord for allowing the bumps, bruises, heartbreaks, disappointments and hurt because it caused me to run back to you.

Thank you Lord for being close to the brokenhearted- for being the needle and thread that sews these shattered pieces back together.

Lord I just want to thank you through it all. I love you.


Sincerely your daughter,

La’Tivia Elizabeth, G.I.R.L.Y. With No Apologies


I Do: Marital Suicide


What is marital suicide? When you inflict harm, pain, betrayal, lies, and hardships upon your spouse that ends in a fruitless covenant. Plainly said, you’re hurting yourself. Yes, it’s a different (physical) body, but the same flesh (I know, sounds opposing right?). When you commit adultery, you’re cheating on yourself. When you lead with abuse, manipulation or intimidation, you’re doing it unto yourself. Men you are cutting off the favor that has been granted to you because of your wife (Proverbs 18:22)- ‘your good thing’. Ladies, you are cutting off your covering and headship- ‘Priest’.

Brothers, when you said, “ I do”, you said yes to:

1) Sacrifice 2) Loving your wife as Christ loved the church, 3) Protecting her virtue/holiness (Ephesians 5:25).

Sisters, when you said, “I do”, you said yes to:

1) Submission (subject to your husband) 2) Respect 3) Trusting that your husband will lead you appropriately (Ephesians 5:22-23)

~La’Tivia  Elizabeth, G.I.R.L.Y With No Apologies

Will You Still Speak?


To all of God’s Messengers:

Say what GOD leads you to say. Despite who may become angered. Despite who feels “uncomfortable”. Despite who’s feet you step on. Despite those who question your motives. Despite what “God told THEM about YOU.” Stay true to the assignment.  Remember, Satan will come in the form of familiar voices; voices you respect or once respected. Be not deceived. Be on alert. Be discerning. And most of all, be and stay connected to the vine.

 Scripture Reference:

25 I have heard what the prophets have said who prophesy lies in my name, saying, ‘I have dreamed, I have dreamed!’ 26 How long shall there be lies in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies, and who prophesy the deceit of their own heart, 27 who think to make my people forget my name by their dreams that they tell one another, even as their fathers forgot my name for Baal? 28 Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let him who has my word speak my word faithfully. ~Jeremiah 23:25-28

~La’Tivia Elizabeth, G.I.R.L.Y. With No Apologies




Good afternoon children of God! I pray that your day has been blessed as you’ve risen with breath in your body. I have been commissioned to bring a word that is aimed to minister to your pain, hurt, and disappointment. This devotional is for the brothers and sisters who have been mishandled by individuals whose titles have “certified” them, however their integrity and/or personal issues failed them. What are you saying La’Tivia Elizabeth? The Holy Spirit wants to minister to those who are hurting in this very hour, bleeding, walking with a false smile attempting to conceal the hidden bruises (feelings/emotions), crushed ribs (hope), tortured hearts (SOUL), and intensified migraines (thoughts). God has seen your hurt. He has been a witness to it all. Nothing is missed or overlooked by the Lord and He cares. He desires for you to be healed in this very hour. What do you do when you’ve been SCARRED BY A “HOLY PEOPLE”? Let’s continue…

I would be erroneous to assume that everyone who reads my devotionals are avid church goers…so please know that whether you’re saved or unsaved this particular word is for you as well. Not everyone has experienced ‘church hurt’; rather, some of us:


  • Have been scarred from the womb- feeling the rejection of his/her parents.
  • Have barely survived sibling rivalry- being the black sheep of the family.
  • Have hardly erased the residue of child molestation.
  • Have barely escaped abusive relationships.

So, I am fully aware that “Holy People” is not solely for the church-bound Saints. Let’s look at the word “holy” in of itself. Holy means to be dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred; divine. Relationships such as marriage covenants are sacred to God. A parent/child relationship and the family structure as a whole definitely has a God-purpose. Therefore, “Holy people” represent those who have a divine relationship with you, however in some way, shape or form you have been mishandled by them. God wants to speak to those dark crevices- the hidden places that you’ve attempted to cover up. A band-aid will not suffice for a bullet wound; band-aids are sufficient for scratches and cuts. This thing has been lying in you for far too long- it’s IN you. Remember, cuts are surface, however, gunshots are intravenous. Others are able to see it now. They are able to smell the “stench” coming from that open wound. The time for HEALING is now; don’t allow yourself to get gangrene.

Let’s start here….no one is asked to be born. When two consenting individuals lie down and procreate the future child has no say in the deal. Therefore, it’s imperative for those who hold such titles as Mother, Father, Husband, Wife, Pastor (under Shepherd) and etc. to truly commit to such a sacred relationship and divine calling. We are imperfect people attempting to love perfectly as Jesus Christ loves us. But how do you move on or become healed when you are hurt by those you should reverence? How? The word of God tells us to lay aside every weight and the sin that easily besets us (Hebrews 12:1). Family, did you know that carrying ill emotions are not only burdens to your soul, but also unhealthy weight? It’s quite heavy to carry a bitter heart. It takes much effort to walk in unforgiveness; you become a slave to it. So now, you’re not only carrying the scars of a beaten slave, but also the title and role of one. God says you are a ROYAL Priesthood- we are not slaves! Have you ever noticed how someone who is released from a certain stronghold, past hurt, or even prison seems so “light” on their feet? That’s because what was once holding them down is no longer acting as an anchor. There is power in your forgiveness family. There is power in genuinely praying for the very ones that hurt or abandoned you. The scars begin to heal and close up as we open our hearts for God’s healing balm (the word of God) to enter. The word of God says in Psalm 34:18, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” The bible does not lie. I repeat, the word of God does not lie. If God said it, then it is so. God is CLOSE to you. The King of the universe is CLOSE to you. The Savior that died on the cross and rose on the third day is CLOSE to you. The Great I Am is CLOSE to you. How comforting is that?

So family, are you ready to do the work to get healed? Are you open to the process? Are you willing to lay aside your justification and pride to become the WHOLE person God has ordained you to be? I’m leaving you with questions because we’ll dig deeper in part 2. For now, go in peace. I love you, but God loves you more.


~La’Tivia Elizabeth, GIRLY With No Apologies


God is So Strategic!


Hello children of God! I pray that all is well on your end today. I pray that this devotional speaks to the very core of your mind and heart on today…may the words the Lord has given me penetrate your fears and confusion right now in the name of Jesus. On this day, I believe the Holy Spirit is leading me to relay to you that- GOD IS SO STRATEGIC. There is no battle, war, or fight that God has lost- if you’re aware of one please let me know. There is no contender that could bring Him down to His knees, catch Him off guard, trick Him, catch Him slipping, catch Him sleeping, or catch Him playing…no other contender. Woman of God, be comforted to know that the outcome is already settled. Man of God, take heart, you shall not be moved in the name of Jesus. Family, God has a battle plan written specifically for you- let’s take comfort in knowing that GOD IS SO STRATEGIC.

Family, what are you facing today? What has…

  • Paralyzed you?
  • Riddled you with anxiety?
  • Stolen your peace?
  • Demanded your attention?
  • Unraveled your marriage?
  • Disrupted your finances?
  • You stealing from Peter to pay Paul?
  • Prevented you from walking BOLDLY in your purpose because you just don’t SEE the end?
  • Highlighted your inadequacies?
  • Stolen or cut off your divine resources?

It’s my belief that many of us stay “stuck” in our situation because our minds begin to wonder about the next step, the finite details, connecting the dots, or obsessing with seeing the end from the beginning. This wouldn’t require faith if it was so. Let me say that again, if you knew everything then ‘this’ wouldn’t require faith. Faith is what pleases God. God wants to do a NEW thing… new ventures/plans require blueprints and no man has this- only God. Seek Him for the blueprint of your life; for this season; for this very hour.

This ‘thing’ has you circling the mountain with fear, stagnation, and uncertainty. This is not of God family.  Don’t try to do your Heavenly Father’s job- you’re wearing yourself out and thin sisters and brothers.  God is the only one that knows the end before it happens. Only God- is your provider. Only God- never sleeps or slumber. Only God- has never lost a battle. Only God- is your peace.

Family, take heart on today knowing that GOD IS STRATEGIC> EVERYTHING, AND I DO MEAN EVERYTHING, IS HAPPENING IN A WAY THAT WILL WORK FOR YOUR GOOD. It’s a part of the plan. Even your tear drenched pillow- it will work in your favor. Don’t fret, God is so strategic!

Meditate on this today: “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” (1 Corinthians 10:13, NLT)


~La’Tivia Elizabeth, G.I.R.L.Y. With No Apologies

God is So Strategic


Hello children of God! I pray that all is well on your end today. I pray that this devotional speaks to the very core of your mind and heart on today…may the words the Lord has given me penetrate your fears and confusion right now in the name of Jesus. On this day, I believe the Holy Spirit is leading me to relay to you that- GOD IS SO STRATEGIC. There is no battle, war, or fight that God has lost- if you’re aware of one please let me know. There is no contender that could bring Him down to His knees, catch Him off guard, trick Him, catch Him slipping, catch Him sleeping, or catch Him playing…no other contender. Woman of God, be comforted to know that the outcome is already settled. Man of God, take heart, you shall not be moved in the name of Jesus. Family, God has a battle plan written specifically for you- let’s take comfort in knowing that GOD IS SO STRATEGIC.

Family, what are you facing today? What has…

  • Paralyzed you?
  • Riddled you with anxiety?
  • Stolen your peace?
  • Demanded your attention?
  • Unraveled your marriage?
  • Disrupted your finances?
  • You stealing from Peter to pay Paul?
  • Prevented you from walking BOLDLY in your purpose because you just don’t SEE the end?
  • Highlighted your inadequacies?
  • Stolen or cut off your divine resources?

It’s my belief that many of us stay “stuck” in our situation because our minds begin to wonder about the next step, the finite details, connecting the dots, or obsessing with seeing the end from the beginning. This wouldn’t require faith if it was so. Let me say that again, if you knew everything then ‘this’ wouldn’t require faith. Faith is what pleases God. God wants to do a NEW thing… new ventures/plans require blueprints and no man has this- only God. Seek Him for the blueprint of your life; for this season; for this very hour.

This ‘thing’ has you circling the mountain with fear, stagnation, and uncertainty.  This is not of God family.  Don’t try to do your Heavenly Father’s job- you’re wearing yourself out and thin sisters and brothers.  God is the only one that knows the end before it happens. Only God- is your provider. Only God- never sleeps or slumber. Only God- has never lost a battle. Only God- is your peace.

Family, take heart on today knowing that GOD IS STRATEGIC> EVERYTHING, AND I DO MEAN EVERYTHING, IS HAPPENING IN A WAY THAT WILL WORK FOR YOUR GOOD. It’s a part of the plan. Even your tear drenched pillow- it will work in your favor. Don’t fret, God is so strategic!

Meditate on this today: “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” (1 Corinthians 10:13, NLT)

~La’Tivia Elizabeth, G.I.R.L.Y. With No Apologies

I Was This Close


Lord, send me to the ones you’ve built me to minister to.

Can I be transparent? Anyone that truly knows me knows that I love women. Not in that way silly. But I truly have a heart for women from all walks of life. I love sharing beauty tips, wisdom, relationship advice or whatever. But as of recent ,the enemy has attempted to make me despise the very thing I was sent to minister to. Tricky devil he is.

I’ve experienced conniving, jealous, competitive, insecure, backbiting, lying, Jezebel, “think I’m better than you” spirits inhabiting women. Sigh. I was THIS CLOSE from shutting down shop (ministry and friendships) but God! “Tivi, it’s not about YOU.”

People of God, be not deceived. Satan will attack the very area you were built for. You want to know where your ministry lies? Take inventory and assess where you get attacked mostly. If your area of ministry is marriage- then don’t find it strange when your marriage gets attacked.  If your area to dominate is within the marketplace, i.e. corporate America- then don’t find it outrageous  when your counterparts are attacking you, constantly attempting to set you up, or testing your integrity. Remember, your assignments (people) need for you to OVERCOME so that they may as well. The word tells us in Revelation 12:11, And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death


I love you all. I do. #GIRLYWithNoApologies

~La’Tivia Elizabeth