Let Him Write It


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I urge you family, allow God to write YOUR LOVE STORY… not your parents, predecessors, Pastor, prominent and admired social media couples, your fears, past mistakes/toxic relationships, friends, or even yourself. Yes, all of these things may contribute influence; however, it should never be the driving factor, blueprint or domineering decision maker within your blossoming relationship.

If you don’t allow the GREAT I AM to do His job and take this task upon yourself, you will be susceptible to grammatical errors such as:

  1. Sentence fragments– abbreviating/rushing the process; not complete; not allowing friendship and trust to be formed (which is the strongest foundation of any relationship)
  2. Run-on sentences– joining 2 independent “people” together without the appropriate boundaries or linking “WORD” used to connect the 2 (which is the WORD of God)

You see, when you do it God’s way it will guard your relationship from internal and external hindrances, curses, imitation, confusion and drama. Let Him have His PERFECT way. Now go in peace.

~La’Tivia Elizabeth aka Tipblazian